Katsuo no tataki(Seared bonito)

How to make bonito tataki(Seared bonito)

Ingredients to prepare

  1. Fresh bonito fillet
    Ko-no-mono (fragrant herbs)
  2. Onion
  3. Garlic
  4. Ginger(Zingiber officinale)
  5. Mitsuba(Cryptotaenia japonica)
  6. Myoga=Japanese ginger(Zingiber mioga)

  1. Preparation of Bonito:
    • Choose fresh bonito with clean and shiny flesh.
    • Check the capture date at the fish market and select the freshest available.
  2. Cleaning the Bonito:
    • Rinse the bonito gently under running water to remove any dirt or mucus.
    • Pat dry the bonito with kitchen paper towels.
  3. Preparing the Bonito Fillets:
    • Cut the bonito into bite-sized fillets using a fish knife.
  4. Bonito Preparation:
    • Sprinkle salt over the fillets and let them sit for about 10 minutes to remove any blood and impurities.
    • Rinse off the blood and pat dry the fillets with kitchen paper towels.
  5. Making the Tataki Sauce:
    • Prepare the tataki sauce by mixing soy sauce, mirin, sake, and grated ginger in appropriate proportions.
  6. Marinating the Bonito Tataki:
    • Marinate the bonito fillets in the tataki sauce for at least 1 hour in the refrigerator. Occasionally flip the fillets to ensure even flavoring.
  7. Plating the Bonito Tataki:
    • Arrange thinly sliced green onions and ginger on the serving plate.
    • Place the marinated bonito fillets on top and garnish with shiso leaves and seaweed, if desired.
  8. Enjoying the Bonito Tataki:
    • It is common to enjoy the bonito tataki by dipping it in soy sauce or ponzu sauce. Wasabi and pickled ginger can be served on the side according to preference.
  9. Important Notes:
    • Choose fresh bonito to avoid any unpleasant smell and handle it with care during preparation.
    • Since bonito loses its umami when cooked, it is best to enjoy it raw and fresh.
    • Practice good hygiene during cooking and consumption to ensure food safety.


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