Yakuzen Mushroom Dish Eating in Omotesando, Tokyo

Tokyo is one of the most famous cities in the world. In Omotesando, one of the most prestigious areas in the city, where you can find top brands and famous restaurants, I recently had a yakuzen mushroom dish.Yakuzen is a cuisine that makes the most of the medical benefits inherent in the ingredients.

The name of this restaurant is Shangri-La’s secret.

First I had a salad with fresh mushrooms.

With strawberries and walnuts in the salad I enjoyed the variety of textures.

Later I had six different kinds of rare mushrooms.It is eaten as a one-pot dish with a black broth in which the mushrooms are simmered for a long time.

It is Yamabushi-take(Hericium erinaceus).This strange mushroom is said to grow wild widely in temperate zones of the northern hemisphere as well as in Japan. In Japan, it grows from late summer to autumn on fallen trees with red leaves. Despite its appearance, it tastes pleasant and is similar to the Enoki mushroom (Flammulina velutipes), which is widely eaten in Japan.

This yellow mushroom is the tamogi mushroom (Pleurotus citrinopileatus). This mushroom has been attracting a great deal of attention in recent years. This is because it is said to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and is expected to improve memory learning functions. It is a tasty and chewy mushroom.

I also ate a red mushroom. This unique mushroom, which looks like something out of a picture book, is the tokirohiratake (Pleurotus djamor). According to the restaurant’s description, it “helps the body synthesize stress hormones, making it more resistant to stress. Its aroma is a bit wild and it has a nice chewy texture.

The following mushroom is similar in shape to the silhouette of the mushrooms we are all familiar with. This mushroom is the cowpea mushroom (Coprinus comatus). It is also considered edible in Europe. It tasted similar to the Japanese shimeji mushroom.



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