Yamadori-Zenmai,Osmundastrum cinnamomeum var. fokeiense

$10.00 ~ $100.00(税込)

Yamadori-Zenmai,Osmundastrum cinnamomeum var. fokeiense

Osmundastrum cinnamomeum var. fokeiense is a variety of the cinnamon fern. Osmundastrum cinnamomeum, in general, is known for its tall fronds and its distinctive appearance, especially during the fertile frond phase, which resembles cinnamon sticks.


1. Appearance: This fern typically has two types of fronds: the sterile ones, which are green and feather-like, and the fertile ones, which are brownish and more rigid, with a spore-bearing appearance reminiscent of cinnamon sticks.
2. Habitat: Like many ferns, Osmundastrum cinnamomeum prefers damp, shady environments. It’s often found in marshes, alongside streams, or in moist woodlands.
3. Cultural Significance: In various cultures, ferns have been used for medicinal, culinary, and ornamental purposes. The unique appearance of the cinnamon fern, especially the fertile fronds, has made it a favorite for gardeners looking to add a touch of the exotic to their landscapes.

The specific variety “fokeiense” indicates a regional or morphological difference from the main species. While the overall characteristics would likely be similar to the main species, there might be specific differences in terms of size, coloration, or habitat preference for this particular variety.

0.5cc spore



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