Odemari,Viburnum plicatum var. plicatum f. plicatum


Odemari,Viburnum plicatum var. plicatum f. plicatum

Viburnum plicatum var. plicatum f. plicatum is a specific form of the Viburnum plicatum plant, often known as the Japanese Snowball or Doublefile Viburnum. Here’s a description in English:

1. Origin: It is native primarily to the mountainous regions of Japan, China, and Taiwan.
2. Appearance: This plant is a large deciduous shrub characterized by its distinctive horizontal layers of branches. Large clusters of white flowers bloom in the spring, followed by small fruits that transition from red to black in the autumn.
3. Leaves: The leaves are broadly ovate, deeply pleated, and often change to beautiful autumnal colors.
4. Use in Landscaping: The Viburnum plicatum is a popular choice in landscapes and gardens for its stunning flowers, unique branch structure, and vibrant autumn hues.
5. Additional Information: While there are variations among the Viburnum plicatum depending on the cultivar or form, they generally possess good cold resistance and adaptability to various soil and environmental conditions.

The specific form “f. plicatum” denotes the standard form of Viburnum plicatum var. plicatum.

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