About Our Products and System

We ship plants from Japan to all over the world. The conditions for you to buy from us are as follows

・Minimum order amount is 300usd.

・If you need a phytosanitary certificate, you can get it for 50usd.

・If you need measures other than phytosanitary, we will charge extra.

・In order to provide our customers with the freshest seeds and plants, shipping times vary from item to item. We may not be able to send items with different shipping times at once. In such cases, we will send the items separately, and you will be charged separately for shipping.

・It is difficult for us to know the plant quarantine situation in your country. Therefore, you need to support me with what you need.

・We will follow your instructions. We cannot be held responsible if you are unable to receive your shipment due to lack of support.

・If there is something you want me to get specially, please let me know by e-mail. I can look for it.

・We accept PayPal and bank transfers for payment. I can also accept other forms of payment.

・The system is not yet complete. Please send an email to the address below with what you want and the delivery address. I will give you an estimate including shipping costs.




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